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Portable Devices Write for Us

Portable Devices Write for Us

Portable devices are electronic devices designed to obtain everything previously difficult to obtain, such as information about a specific topic, a tedious math calculation, or a simple portable telephone. It makes life easier for its consumers, using small, easily accessible electronic devices.

The popularity of portable information devices has been increasing notoriously, and this is only the beginning since they never stop being updated. Therefore, a previous product’s competition always comes out, resulting in us being soaked with new technology quickly.

Examples of portable devices:

Notebook Computers:

Also called a laptop or portable computer, it is a small personal computer with a weight between 1 and 6 kilograms, designed to be easily transported.

Notebook Features

* They generally work using a battery or an AD / DC adapter that allows charging the battery and supplying power.

* They usually have a small battery that allows you to keep the clock and other data in power failure cases.

In general, notebooks tend to have less power than desktop computers at the same price, including less capacity for their hard drives, less power for video and audio, and less power for their microprocessors. In any case, they tend to consume less energy and are quieter.

* They usually have an LCD screen and a touchpad.

* There is a type of notebook called subnotebooks, which are smaller and lighter.

PCMCIA cards

Present in current laptops, mobiles, notebooks, PCMCIA cards allow us to add new functions to the computer.

Handheld computers

They are microcomputers with reduced characteristics, and depending on the use they are given, they may require a larger one for their complete operation. In general, they are computers with a high level of functional and operational independence, and they differ from pocket-sized ones in that they are larger and do not fit in a pocket.

The main characteristic of these computers is their size, which, as the name implies, are the ideal size to be used in hand, without the need to rest them on a surface. They typically have no moving parts, including disk drives, and communicate with the outside world through a port or comb of connections. That is, your operating system, applications, and documents get stored in some RAM.

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